December 31, 2011

Here's to the Year 2011!

Another year is about to end and it's been one hell of a year for me. So many things happened this year. 

2011-- a year filled with happiness, disappointments, fears, excitements, surprises, you name every emotion a person feels, I think I've felt them all. 

The highlight of this year for me is my graduation and going to college. 

Graduation means I have achieved another chapter of my life, which is high school. I've survived four years of pure torture (haha). 

Going to college, I've overcome  the fear of being alone (since my high school friends and I have gone our separate ways)  and have made friends, plenty of them.

Now, seating here in front of the computer and typing away, flashes of what have happened this year pass through my mind and I can't help that feeling of being overwhelmed of everything. Today, December 31, the end of the year, there are those things I  regret because I didn't do things and I'm afraid I won't get another opportunity to go back. And today, I look forward to many other things to come the next year...



More love...

More friends...

More blessings...

Even the bad things, throw them at me.

I am proud to say that I've survived another year. Now I welcome 2012.