April 8, 2013

I just realized a few things while browsing through Facebook. It's just... it's been two years since I graduated high school and still, I can't shake off the feeling of nostalgia everytime I think about our moments. But I guess that's just it. Those are only moments now. Memories.

And then there's the feeling that we were all once friends but now ended up as acquaintances. Or even strangers. Somehow I think it's even my fault for not staying in touch. And how could I after what happened at the last days of our high school life? It was actually not my burden to bear. There was no offense sent directly to me but I felt like I was obliged to hate them, too. But after the storm, all I could think of were the happy memories and not the bad ones. If you would even weigh them, there really are lots of happy moments. And these people, they were the ones I was with.

It just saddens me that we have come to this point. Not that I regret anything my friends and I did. I love them and all my support goes to them first. I guess I just can't stop thinking of them, my classmates. And how I miss them. And how I hope I see them again and make new memories with them. I hope one day everyone can get past the grudges and... I don't know. See what happens, I guess.


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