April 11, 2013

Total Quality Management

Before I start with this blog post, let me just say that I feel the same things Nica is feeling. Read those here.

What am I going to write, anyway? I don't know how to start, actually. All I know is I want to write how my day went and I want to do it everyday. Or at least write about my days when there are eventful happenings in my life. Like today, for example.

As you all know (or maybe not know... or care), today is my first day of summer classes for my second year in college. Everything was pretty fine, I guess. I was early and sweaty coming to school since I went there in the afternoon. Traffic was expected. Good thing I'm already used to it. If I wasn't, then maybe I will reach school in an unpleasant mood.

We only have one subject for today. It's a 4.5-hour class. I was actually expecting it to be boring but luckily, it was not. Our professor, Sir J, was humorous and witty and smart, I got hooked to the class. Three hours has passed and I didn't even notice. The class was actually having so much fun!

What I like most about our professor was that he is a book-lover... LIKE ME! He asked the class who are into reading for leisure and said that his office is open if we ever decided to borrow a book from him. IF WE EVER DECIDED TO BORROW A BOOK FROM HIM! So that means I can borrow just about anything I like. But of course, I'll return it. And take care of it. I live by the motto, "Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you." It those were my books, I wouldn't want anyone borrowing and returning them in a not-so-good condition. Hell, I wouldn't want anyone borrowing them. Period. Especially strangers... It was very kind of him to entrust us with the responsibility of taking care of his book... if we ever decided to borrow one.

Sir J is the first professor whom I liked from the very beginning. He's a very laid back guy and perceptive, I guess, based on the activities he made us do earlier. I actually mentioned to Mika that Sir J is like the guy-version of myself. He took up Accountancy because when he was making a decision for a college program, Accountancy seemed to be a logical choice. But after graduating and not passing the board exam, he took up another program. I wonder if this will happen to me too...

It was also nice seeing my friends again after almost three weeks of summer vacation. I miss their loudness and... that's it. Haha. But I miss laughing with them more.

I'll try writing again tomorrow. In the meantime...


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